Did you know that Ocean Impact Organisation is a registered charity?

That means we rely on donations to help fund our mission to support and accelerate ocean impact startups. We’d love you to become one of our donors to help increase our impact.

Support our work with a tax-deductible donation*

*Donations over $2 in Australia are tax-deductible.

Our Impact

Since we launched OIO in 2020, we’ve supported 99 startups and entrepreneurs through 10 innovation programs.

For every $1 of funding received by OIO so far, we’ve raised an additional $0.72 of direct funding for ocean solutions as investment and prize money totalling $1.53 million. 

The startups we’ve supported are pioneering incredible solutions to transform ocean health, including;

  • NASA-technology capable of eliminating forever chemicals.

  • Underwater robots that tackle environmental issues related to biofouling.

  • And even tech that can revolutionise the agri-fisheries supply chain.

We believe in the power of innovation to change the way we treat the ocean. But for this to happen, large amounts of capital need to flow into ocean impact innovation - and fast.

The extent of coral bleaching at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef in March 2024. © Dr George Roff, CSIRO

The Problem

We’re making a real impact, but when it comes to the issues facing Planet Ocean - there’s so much more to be done.

Plastic pollution is choking the ocean and ecosystems. Overfishing threatens fish stocks, marine life, and food security for 10+ billion people by 2050. And climate change is impacting everything from the Great Barrier Reef to the polar ice caps. So, while great progress has been made, the ocean needs scalable solutions more than ever. That’s where we come in…

The Solution

The good news is that OIO is here to help more founders, oceanpreneurs, and startups realise the full potential of their innovations, and turn the tide on ocean threats. Our ‘north star’ is to facilitate $100 million of direct funding for scalable ocean solutions...but we need your help to do it.

How You Can Help

Become an OIO donor by contributing a one-off donation or recurring monthly or quarterly donation to help us transform ocean health! Thank you.